
I to i opto isolator phoenix contact
I to i opto isolator phoenix contact

i to i opto isolator phoenix contact

Note that the current thru the diodes is essentially the derivative of the power line voltage. There is nothing protecting the LED from large current spikes due to voltage spikes on the power line.

i to i opto isolator phoenix contact

However, the extra robustness to deal with power line spikes would be useful. The slow response doesn't matter at line frequencies. This is a case where a big, fact, knuckle dragging rectifier, like any 1N400x would do just fine. The forward voltage of the LED limits the reverse voltage across the external diode. That will clamp the reverse voltage across the LED to one diode drop. The forward drop of the combined diodes has nothing to do with the forward drop of the LED, since they occur at opposite polarities.Ī single diode is all you need.


  • Your D2,D3 multiple diodes in series don't make any sense.
  • Probably the only thing that saved the cap from blowing up and spewing flaming carcinogens into your face was that the diodes became fuses and died first. Your circuit applies over ☓00 V to the cap.

    i to i opto isolator phoenix contact

    That means it is polarized, and can only be used with voltages of one polarity across it.

  • At 150 ♟, C1 would almost certainly be electrolytic.
  • Why would you then make the capacitor 1000 times larger!? You can express CTR as a percentage, like 50, or a single number, like 0.5. Ideally, CTR (IC/IF) is the ratio of the phototransistors output collector current (IC) to the LEDs forward current (IF). This is particularly baffling since you had a nicely lit LED with 150 nF before. The simplest approach to define the efficiency of an Opto-coupling is to cite its output-to-input current transfer ratio (CTR). At 50 Hz, that would draw 10 A! Your opto and your diodes are long gone.

    I to i opto isolator phoenix contact